The REAL Riverhill School

How is it possible to be extremely excited and poignantly sad at the same time? While these are definitely conflicting emotions, they are the emotions being felt by numerous members of the Riverhill Family at this particular time in the life of this special place we call Riverhill School! Riverhill has been located in these great old buildings in the …


  RIVERHILL’S STEAM ACADEMY was awarded full accreditation in May, 2021.  The program was accredited through Cognia, a forward-thinking accreditation agency focused on improving educational opportunities for all learners.  RIVERHILL STEAM ACADEMY VISION Riverhill Steam Academy students and Riverhill Staff members are encouraged to become life-long learners and to develop hearts and minds dedicated to meeting the challenges of the …

25 Reasons the Riverhill Staff Loves Their Students

It’s no secret that the Riverhill Staff loves their students so much! We asked them to name 25 reasons why, and here is what they said: They are willing to explore new ideas. They are unique. They have sweet spirits. They enjoy laughing. They make us feel loved – every day. They are super creative. They make us smile. They …

25 Reasons We Love Riverhill

Riverhill School is often called “The Way School Should Be”. There are so many reasons why the Riverhill Family embodies a community of people who love learning and love each other, but here are 25 reasons why we love it: Students who are excited and ready to learn Dedicated, loving, caring, supportive staff One Family (Students, Parents, Staff) Community Service …

Late Elementary School – A Foundation for Life

Riverhill School has a proud tradition of excellence in Late Elementary education. From an accelerated curriculum to a safe school environment to a nurturing staff, Riverhill excels in all areas for fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students. Students are challenged to set high goals and to work work hard to achieve those goals while still retaining their individuality and their creativity. Our fourth, fifth, …

High Marks from AdvancED

Riverhill School is accredited through AdvancED, an umbrella organization that includes SACS, AISA, and numerous other accrediting agencies. AdvancED covers over 32,000 public and independent institutions in over 70 countries and involves 20 million students. Schools are required to go through a re-accreditation process every five years. This process includes a visit from an External Review Team that spends several days on campus interviewing stakeholders …

Riverhill’s Robotics Program

Riverhill’s Robotics class is taught in Pre K3 through Sixth Grade. Pre K3 through second grade students spend time each week focusing on various projects while third grade through sixth grade students work as teams each week. Working together as a team is a wonderful learning experience for the students; in fact, teamwork is an important social skill that lends …

Welcome to the Riverhill Blog!

Before becoming Riverhill’s Principal, I taught Kindergarten at this special school for fourteen years. As concerned as I was about “leaving” the classroom, I have been pleasantly surprised to find I simply have a larger classroom with 140 students instead of 24! Each day at Riverhill is filled with excitement about learning, excitement about friends and family, and excitement about …