The Kindergarten environment at Riverhill is a nurturing one where the children are made to feel safe, secure, and loved and are encouraged to become more independent and responsible. As would be expected, the Kindergarten curriculum is an advanced one; it challenges the students to think outside the box with numerous hands-on activities and explorations. The students learn about Famous Americans, Ocean and Sea Life, Metamorphosis, the Food Pyramid, and so much more! The Riverhill Kindergarten environment also encourages the children to use their imaginations as they engage in unique learning experiences. As a result, the children discover learning is fun and begin to develop a lifelong love for learning while still in the early years of their education.
In addition, the Kindergarten students are involved in several Enrichment Classes: Art, Music, Spanish, Computer Lab, Robotics Lab, Science Lab, and Library. Community Service projects are also an important aspect of kindergarten. The children discover the joy and satisfaction of looking “outside” the classroom—and themselves—as they reach out to the St. Florian Police Department, local assisted living facilities, and other community organizations. Riverhill Kindergarten in Florence, AL is an exciting place where learning is fun!
Curriculum Summary
- Letters and Vowels
- Letter sounds
- Matching capital to lower case letters
- Blending letters
- Decoding words with a,e,i,o,u
- Sight words
- Left to right text
- 1 to 1 correspondence
- Shared reading
- Guided reading
- Environmental print
- Sequencing stories
- Rhymes/poems
- Beginning and ending consonant sounds
- Parts of a book
- Copyright dates
- Reading independently
- Comprehension
- Word-by-word reading
- Spelling word families
- Illustrating books
- Innovating Books
- Beginning, middle and end of story
- Creating own stories
- Alphabetizing with first letters
- Capitalizing sentences and proper nouns
- Writing sentences
- Retelling stories
- Color words
- Author/Illustrator
- Author Studies: Dr. Seuss, Eric Carle, Leo Lionni, Mercer Mayer
- Number words
- Opposites
- The 50 Unites States
- U. S. flag and its symbolism
- U.S. presidents past and present
- Elections
- Inaugurations
- Kindergarten Procedures
- Maps and globes
- Graphs
- Recycling
- Environment
- Statue of Liberty
- Earth Day
- Grandparents’ Day
- Holidays
- Famous Americans: Ben Franklin, Paul Revere, W. C. Handy, M. L. King, Jr., John Glenn
- George Seurat
- Pointillism
- Normal Rockwell
- Community
- Community Service
- Continents
- Oceans
- Rainforest
- Governments: United States, state and local
- Current Events
- Manners and Emotions
- Self-care
- Obstacle course
- Animal walks
- Balance beam
- Throwing/catching
- Jumping, hopping, skipping, running
- Simple games
- Left/right
- Rhythm/clapping
- Sensory experiences
- Puzzles
- Matching objects by color, shape, texture and size
- Differences/similarities
- Sequence beads
- Drawing a person with five defining body parts
- Walking backwards
- Descending stairs using alternating feet
- Tying shoes
- Identifying common sounds
- Following directions
- Identifying feelings and moods
- Repeating sounds
- Recognizing full name
- Writing full name
- Knowing family members
- Describing objects
- Voice control
- Using glue
- Cutting
- Tracing
- Copying patterns
- Holding pencils, etc.
- Spacing letters
- Spacing words
- Patterns
- Color identification
- 1 to 1 correspondence
- Sets
- Equivalent sets
- Numerals 0-100
- Comparisons
- Ordinal numbers
- Positional words
- Addition 0-10
- Subtraction 0-10
- Whole and half
- Clocks
- Calendars
- Days of the week
- Months of the year
- Year
- Non-standard units of measure
- Standard units of measure: scales, rulers, thermometers
- Money – coins – dollar
- Graphing
- Shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval, diamond, star, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, heart
- Differences and similarities
- Geometric Shapes: sphere, cube, cylinder
- Counting: 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s
- Grouping
- Geoboards
- Unifix Cubes
- Pattern blocks
- Number words
- Beginning place value
- Skeletal system
- Heart, Lungs
- Five senses
- Penguins
- Mammals
- Butterflies
- Amphibians: Frogs and Toads
- Metamorphosis
- Insects
- Bears
- Reindeer
- Dinosaur facts
- Fossils
- Extinction
- Ocean Life/Sea Life
- Living and Non-Living Things
- Magnifying Glasses
- Scales/Balances
- Simple Experiments
- Earth: North Pole, South Pole, Equator
- Solar System
- Day and Night
- Dental Health
- Food Pyramid
- Squirrels
- Reptiles: Snakes, Alligators, Crocodiles, Lizards, Turtles
- Forms of Water: Solid, Liquid, Gas (Water Cycle)
- Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide