Painting, drawing, crafts, batiking, pottery, projects in design, and art history are just some of the art offerings at Riverhill. Because the creative process and the finished product is emphasized, students thrive in their weekly art classes. In addition, taking part in drama and music activities helps students develop important skills and encourages self-confidence. Beginning in the early grades, children present puppet shows, poetry readings, skits, musicals, and plays for both student and parent audiences.
Our Music program spans PreK2 through 6th Grade. In the early grades, students are encouraged to have an appreciation for all genres of music. We make it fun with the addition of musical instruments and movement. The first and second grade students advance to learning musical notations, the musical alphabet, time signatures, dynamics, and tempo–all the skills that help them excel in the basic knowledge of music and performance. These students often learn songs in English as well as foreign languages. Our third through sixth grade students have the option to participate in Show Choir and school musicals. Show Choir focuses on blending the appreciation of different musical styles with the ability to provide an entertaining performance experience. One of our favorite parts of the music program is when we share our talents school wide or in our community.
Foreign Language 
Our students begin Spanish as their Foreign Language during Preschool at Riverhill. We believe in an immersive experience. The students learn color words and numbers through interactive songs and videos. They also see the Spanish vocabulary in print on their coloring pages. Lower elementary students then expand to the alphabet and other basic words. It is a balance of seeing the text and learning to verbalize the words. As students progress into the upper elementary they build a vast vocabulary of Spanish, conversational applications for Spanish and an appreciate for Spanish culture. All of these activities help our students to develop the foundation they need to progress in foreign language study.