How is it possible to be extremely excited and poignantly sad at the same time? While these are definitely conflicting emotions, they are the emotions being felt by numerous members of the Riverhill Family at this particular time in the life of this special place we call Riverhill School!
Riverhill has been located in these great old buildings in the community of St. Florian for thirty-five amazing years. All the moving boxes stacked in the hallways of the “Big House” do not even come close to covering up the memories that are so much a part of this building–not to mention the squeaky floors! Thousands of children have walked these hallways and spent countless hours in these classrooms learning everything from scientific equations to proper grammar to how to take care of each other. Even though we will not be taking these floors, hallways, and classrooms to the new school, we will be taking the memories that will always serve as reminders of these awesome years and of this awesome place.
At the new school, students will still learn the same scientific equations, proper grammar (hopefully!), and certainly how to take care of each other. A new building with modern conveniences under ONE roof is exciting, and new memories are just waiting to be made! While the move will be an emotional one for the Riverhill Family, it is also an overwhelmingly positive one. We will have our own gym where we can actually be the home team for basketball and volleyball games. We will have a safe room where we can gather in severe weather to stay safe from the storms. We will have a cafeteria where we can come together to share our meals and have a time of fellowship. However, the most exciting and important thing is that we will still have each other–the REAL Riverhill School!