Riverhill’s four-year-old pre-kindergarten is a wonderful place for children to discover “the way school is supposed to be.” It is a time of discovery, learning, and helping children develop lifelong skills. The learning environment is a nurturing and loving one where the children feel safe to explore and to become more independent and responsible. Students love to use the wonders of nature and the exploration of our imaginations to have creative learning time. In Pre K4, learning is taken seriously and students are encouraged to “reach out” to the community to make a difference. A LOVE for learning and reading is instilled in the students that they will carry with them throughout their lifetime. Positive experiences teach the children that learning can be fun! Riverhill’s Pre K4 class is fully licensed by the Alabama State Department of Human Resources.
Curriculum Summary
- Address
- Phone Number
- Button/Tie/Zip
- Recognize colors: red, orange, pink, yellow, blue, green, purple, black, brown, white
- Recognize shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval, star, diamond
- Know days, months, year
- Recognize alike/different, big/little, up/down, long/short
- Recognize upper and lower case letters
- Recognize sounds
- Matching capital to lower case letters
- Rhyming words
- Understand words for when things happen: now, later, never, always
- Understand words for how things feel: hard, soft, hot, cold, rough, smooth
- Understand words for how things move: fast, slow, stop, go
- Listen to stories
- Recall basic facts
- Recognize name in print
- Print own name
- Draw recognizable figures
- Hold pencil correctly
- Glue things on paper
- Mold with clay
- Stack and build with blocks
- Put together puzzles
- Cut with blunt scissors
- Copy a shape and/or letter
- Daily journals
- Full name
- Age
- Gender
- Full names of parents/siblings
- Basic body parts: hands, head, toes, hip, feet, shoulder
- Adjust to school
- Share and take turns
- Follow directions
- Play with other children
- Take part in group activities
- Sit quietly for short periods of time
- Pay attention for short periods of time
- Follow classroom rules
- Respect adults
- Develop good work habits
- Count by 10, 20, 50, to 100
- Count by 5s to 100 and 10s to 100
- Recognize numbers to 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50
- Create patterns
- Recognize patterns
- Sort by size, color, and shape
- Counting the correct number of objects
- Understand concepts of more/less, same/different, empty/full, all/none
- Number words
- Simple addition
- Simple subtraction
- All About Me/I am Special
- Body Parts
- Johnny Appleseed
- Seasons
- Community Helpers/Community Service
- Five Senses
- Christopher Columbus
- Real and Make Believe
- Fall—Pumpkins
- I Am Thankful for—
- Turkeys
- Pilgrims and Indians
- Thanksgiving
- Reindeer
- Winter
- Penguins
- Birds
- Abraham Lincoln
- Father’s Day/Mother’s Day
- Floating and Sinking
- Groundhogs
- Thomas Edison
- George Washington
- Mardi Gras
- Dr. Seuss
- Alexander Graham Bell
- Watermelon
- Shamrocks
- Spring
- Sea Life/Oceans
- Weather
- Zoo animals
- Farm animals
- Transportation
- Plants
- Pets
- Space/Planets
- Coins