Second Grade is a wonderful place. Second grade is a time of discovery and of learning to use all the skills learned in first grade. This age group is growing in independence by leaps and bounds. Math and reading subjects are refined and enhanced with new skills. The mastery of cursive handwriting allows the students to feel a part of the grown-up world. Also as part of this time of maturing, students are encouraged to be problem solvers by telling their side of the story and listening to others.
Curriculum Summary
- Fact and opinion
- Inferences
- Main Idea
- Details
- Sequencing
- Classifying
- Drawing conclusions
- Making Judgments
- Context Clues
- Decoding
- Following directions
- Using a dictionary
- Using a table of contents
- Predicting outcomes
- Synonyms/Antonyms/Homonyms
- Vocabulary/word usage
- Cause/effect
- Syllables
- Parts of a book
- Fiction/non-fiction
- Using references
- Poetry
- Graphic organizers
- Story characters
- Moral/Parts of a story
- The Writing Process
- Brainstorm
- Draft
- Revise
- Edit
- Publish
- Letter Writing
- Friendly letter
- Thank you
- Envelopes
- Cursive: introduced 2nd semester
- Landforms
- Neighborhoods and Communities
- Working together: Rules, laws, leaders, voting, city hall
- Pioneers: Westward movement, food, clothing, social activities, schools, homes, chores
- Native Americans: Regions, songs, dance, customs, legends, language, names
- Celebrate America: Our flag, famous presidents, national symbols, pledge of allegiance, patriotic songs, the White House, Capitol, Famous Americans, national monuments, national holidays
- Wants and needs: Basic human needs, wants, factory, goods, services, taxes, volunteers, consumers, and jobs
- Maps and globes: Symbols, terms, landforms, directions, water forms
- Landforms: Continents, water forms, surface changes
- Hemispheres
- Regions
- Sentences structure
- Parts of a sentence
- Statements
- Questions
- Word order
- Using I
- Editing/Proofreading
- Mechanics:
- Capitalization
- Punctuation
- Days/holidays/months
- Titles of people
- Titles of books
- Sentences
- Dates
- Names and places
- Suffixes/prefixes
- Conjunctions
- Articles
- Nouns: proper nouns, more than one, adding –es, nouns that change spelling
- Pronouns
- Verbs: present tense, past tense, adding –ed, forms of be, forms of have, contractions
- Adjectives
- Adding –er, -est
- Adverbs
- Prepositions
- Compound words
- ABC Order
- Dictionary skills
- Abbreviations
- Rhyming words
- Auditory discrimination
- Consonant letter-sound association
- Hard and soft c and g
- Consonant-vowel-consonant blending
- Short vowel letter-sound
- Long vowel letter-sound
- Compound and two-syllable
- Consonant blends
- Y as a vowel
- Consonant digraphs
- Inflectional endings
- Suffixes and prefixes
- Vowel pairs and digraphs
- Diphthongs
- Counting: to 2,000 backwards by ones, twos, fives, tens even/odd numbers ordinal numbers
- Addition: terminology, memorize families 1-18, add/subtract dollars/cents, estimate sums, add/subtract w/borrowing, to ten thousands
- Problem solving
- Logic/patterns
- Place value to ten-thousands
- Rounding: nearest tens, nearest dollar
- Roman numerals
- Order three numbers
- Money: pennies, dimes, nickels, half-dollars, dollars
- Time—to five minutes
- Temperature
- Non-standard measurement: cups, pints, quarts, gallons, kilograms, pounds, liters, yard, foot, inches, centimeter
- Graphs: vertical, horizontal, picture, line, pie, grids, Venn diagrams, tally mark, and bar graphs
- Geometry: sort shapes, solids, identify vertexes, find perimeter, symmetry
- Fractions
- Word problems
- Multiplication
- Division
- Health: physical growth, acquiring skills, safety, healthy food, teeth, exercise, senses, drugs, smoking, alcohol, germs
- Animals: birds, reptiles and mammals
- Seasonal changes
- Energy: environment, pollution and recycling
- Insects: characteristics, parts, harmful insects, helpful insects, camouflage, mouths and senses
- Force, energy, sound and heat
- Matter
- Weather: air, clouds, temperatures, water cycle, safety, natural disasters
- Plants: seeds, growth, parts, types and benefits and uses
- Space: the universe, our sun, stars, planets, our moon and objects
- Earth changes